Practicing Gratitude 12.31.19

- Couple of days at the Broadmoor just the six of us sandwiched between family Christmases, a magical mini-vacay

- Broadmoor Christmas lights and decor; gingerbread motor car; Scavenger hunt (blondes v. brunettes), bowling (we’re all terrible), sharing meals, time to be together without distractions and a lot of laughter

- Yoga with Joy

- This Advent devo, profound and practical, feel like it was written just for me

- “You reach out to help those who you’ve created. You, who created, can easily recreate. Your power to recreate, to turn brokenness into beauty, is on display in my life. Your entrance into my life (Incarnation) allows me to be in a constant state of renewal.” - Jennifer K. Dean

- Safe travel from COS to Angel Fire and Winter Park even in a winter storm, 3 big kids getting to be a part of HSM ski trip
 just a little chilly

- Graham’s teaching this week - God is our Father

- That You, Lord, are our Eternal Father = Protector. Defender. Provider. Guide.

- My scenic view from Mama and Papa’s guest room - lumpy-snow-covered pines framed by white-dusted mountains, all over a blanket of glittery snow. What a way to be greeted each morning

- Looking at gallery walls of photos of our large family - both sides. Our kids have the gift of 20 cousins. Each unique marriage and family unit creates a montage of personalities. We share different opinions on nutrition, education, raising children, finances, and our faith walks… Lord help us celebrate the differences. If we can embrace the lively chaos of our large families, if we can relax into patience with each other, if we can choose to not take offense when we see things through different lenses, and actually CELEBRATE and give space for unique personalities, then our families can be the strongest, most lovely gift throughout our lifetime. And there's so much we can learn from each other because of our differences. Thank you Lord for this indescribable gift of family. 

- Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You are our Potter; we are all the work of your hands. Is 64:8. “When you have molded some part of me so that it has the shape of you, then I am passed through the fire. Your fire sets the shape so that it is stable. Your fire does not consume, your fire purifies and strengthens.” - Jennifer Dean

- Blake joining our family in Angel Fire 

- Blake’s first two days in Angel Fire - strep and a broken collarbone - practicing gratitude in all things. Mama’s amoxicillin, concerned skiiers stopping on the mountain to help the girls, ski patrol, kind and funny practitioners at the Taos Urgent Care, insurance and pain meds, dinner at Guadalajara and ice cream from the bed of Papa’s pick up truck. Kind notes from Nettie and Rowan waiting on Blake’s bunk. You go before us and are with us, Heavenly Father. 

- Clinton's family sick and not able to come to AF, again, practicing gratitude in all things

- Waiting

- That You are able and are in the business of healing and restoring, even when (especially when) we don't deem it possible

- Deut 1:30-31 “The Lord your God goes before you and will fight for you, just as you saw him do for your in Egypt. And you saw in the wilderness how the Lord your God carried you as a man carries his son all the way you traveled until you reached this place.” I love this. Somehow I’ve missed this passage until now, but the picture of you carrying us the way a father carries his son, touching and comforting and true. 

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles...   1 Chronicles 16:11-12