What's Right in Front of You

 There are so many things I want my children to experience. Too many things, things we can’t get to.

I want them to work with children in low income neighborhoods. I want them to experience mission trips both locally and out of the country. I’d love for them to rub elbows with some special needs kiddos through our church’s respite care or another venue. And not just serving, but I want them to experience Young Life camp and Kanakuk and other ministries close to my heart.

But with what we’ve already committed to - sports and church and friendships and never mind school work - it’s stressful to think of squeezing even more into an overflowing family agenda. As I’ve wrestled through which "good and influential" activities to try and make happen, a process that engulfs me every August, I felt the Lord’s nudging in the last few days:

“Just do what’s right in front of you.”

What? Just what we’re already doing? That may not be enough, it may not stretch us enough to learn what we need to learn...”

“Hush, child, and simply do what’s right in front of you.
I will put My Agenda in your path. When you said yes to two CCBC residents living with you for a year, you did nothing to make that happen. I brought them to you, and look how Chase and Connor have enlarged your heart and home. When you said yes to taking a group of girls to Young Life’s Frontier Ranch this past summer, you did nothing to pursue that. I planted it in Lianna and Aaron's hearts who were then obedient to ask you. And look how I again enlarged your heart and home. Rest in gratitude for your full life stage. There may be a time you will actively pursue new ways to serve others, ultimately serving Me. But in these days of overflowing relationships, just do what’s in front of you. I’ll make sure to keep you saying “yikes” (thanks, Bob Goff) to new and surprising opportunities."

This is the message rumbling around in my heart the past couple of weeks. And it’s a restful one.

So now I'm asking God to equip me day by day, strength by strength, to say yes to what's right in front of me.
And already, in an invigorating way, I'm thinking, “yikes!”