Practicing Gratitude 3.20.15

- A few days over spring break just at home, with no real agenda, lazy mornings and slow evenings with very few responsibilities.

- Getting to read in the mornings with Essie right next to me, a book on her lap as well.These are just things that simply don't happen during normal weeks.

- Coffee with Jessica C ~ sweet time with a sweet woman. I admire her transparency and deep love for you, Lord. And the way you orchestrated our convo with Nick ~ crazy. You are indeed in the details.

- Baseball tournaments rained out (with gorgeous weather over the weekend). Boo. Practicing thankfulness in all things.

- TCU v. BU baseball game Friday night ~ we were a bit out of place in our green and gold, and Baylor lost 3-1. Could have been much worse, however, and it was a fun evening with Branson and Hudson with a Fuzzy's dinner afterwards.

- Girls getting sleepovers at both Mama and Papa's, and Cappy and Daboo's.

- Hair cuts! Free and convenient - and good!

- A date with Corbin at Blue Mesa, we both love that place. So nice to get away to a quiet dinner amidst our home filled with kids all week.

- A Spring Break sleepover

- A quiet Saturday morning - don't quite know what to do with ourselves!

- Cinderella with the Sanders girls - great outing, great friends, great film. Lily James is just so stinking fun to watch on screen.

- Watching Bran and Hud have fun together.

- Papa taking Bran and his friends fishing several times last week. Sweet investment.

- Finding Essie's pics on my phone.

- A drive to 7R for a cancelled horse lesson. Again, thankful for all things. Really hate seeing Basden disappointed, but the Lord knows, and He will use it.

- That we still enjoy the park behind our home.

- Watching Hud run at his first track meet ~ wowzers. He's not just a fast runner, he's a determined runner!

- Daboo helping Es with homework

- The mullet - Frederick - is GONE. Praise God. At Bran's request.
How many brilliant business men are up at midnight (after a late-night track meet) cutting hair??! This one!

- Encouraging words from friends.

- Elvia!
Her hard work blesses us so tremendously
- Our Tanglewood / McLean Moms in Prayer group, and Paschal Praying Moms. When I feel out of control in parenting (and I am - so often - cannot control things), I know the Lord is. Praying with these SCHOOL moms makes all the difference in our weeks. And seeing answered prayers for other students and teachers is so incredibly encouraging. 

- This - tomorrow night - curious and excited to see what the Lord has in store through Bran and his friends "gathering" for a night of worship (?!)

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles...   1 Chronicles 16:11-12
