Practicing Gratitude 1.31.15

- Hud's 7th grade basketball season. Other than missing a few weeks because of a snowboarding injury, he played great and loved the season. Fantastic teammates and families to sit in the bleachers with. 

- Essie working with me at the McLean concession stand. She immediately assessed the need for a concessions "sign."

- So, so grateful for our neighbors.
After school homework
- A very fun impromptu dinner ~ great group of kids ~ laughed around the table for a long time (with Corbin taking the pic)

- Our yard on a beautiful Saturday afternoon
Tree house playdates
The next day ~ they all claimed certain branches as "rooms" and decorated accordingly
The scene across the street
Because they don't get enough basketball at school
On their way to play a little baseball
- Brewed, the Tavern, the lake house, and 7R with heart friends

- What we found on the kitchen counter at the lake house:
"Please do not eat cereal, it's mine." - Branson
- Treehouse play continued ~ Valentines version

- 7th grade school dances with a great group of boys (thanks, Susan, for hosting!)
Hud in Corbin's old 80's sweater??!
- A few treasured hours with Atlee

- Baking with Daddy

- More baking - we needed to do something with all those apples!

- Mitchell taking Bran and Marc out to the lake - what a guy

- Essie's hospitality

- Baseball season around the corner - yippee!

- Julia's birthday party ~ involved giving a "spa party" to elementary girls at a school in Fort Worth
Basden - absolutely delighted to do hair
Manicures, anyone?
Essie with the birthday girl. Love her!
- Happy 13th, Julia. This sweet, God-ordained morning.

- Enjoying the lake house with 7R mixed in... what a treat!
Bran and Hud readying their fishing kayaks

 7R bunnies ~ sweetness
Riding lessons - I don't know that I've ever seen her happier

Mr. Todd is pretty fantastic

A delightful, make-believe performance
The most-played board game at the lake
New driver. And he's good!

Hudda in his element
- Making time (barely) for this.
This was moments before Doritos knocked on the front door
- McLean Wyldlife.
Now THIS is a God-story

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles...   1 Chronicles 16:11-12
