Practicing Gratitude 9.28.12

I acknowledge that with my assortment of inadequacies, I fulfill my high calling as a witness for Christ not by trying to be what I'm not but by realizing who I am in Christ, then depending on You to let my true inner self shine forth. 
- A Treasury of Praise

Heavenly Father, these words are especially meaningful to me this week. What a relief that Your ideal is for me to just be myself, not some unattainable image. While I am continually striving to live healthier, more disciplined, more grateful, live life at a slower pace, etc,  I'm reminded that even while You are shaping me, You desire for me to be me.

 Thank You, Lord...

- Uncle Richard's life, and the celebration with dear family in Somerset. A step back into James history for all of us being together. What a sweet weekend, so grateful for the time especially with Bran and him getting to experience that dynamic of our family.
Dad & Aunt Francine. Took about 2 seconds for Bran to notice the resemblance
Bran, me, Cassidy (expecting her little one any day!)
Aunt Mary, me, Daboo
Cappy with Rusty, Bran and Luke

- These precious ones in our home (not long enough)

- Melts my heart
Bran got a kick out of Essie drawing herself bigger than him

- Melinda and her workouts. I am just beginning to like them.

- Celebrating 50 years with Erma

- Poor thing, hated that she was sick, but loved having her home and all to myself (and grateful it only lasted one day!)

- Essie's badge she stuck on Daboo
"I like you"

- That I can trust you'll pull my thoughts together for the 12th!

- Es' "All About Me" project ~ we really had fun doing this (as much as I hate projects), she loved making up clothes for herself

- 1st Panther game of the season - Hud #12 on the field, Esther and Basden's first game to be cheerleaders on the sidelines!

Had to include this pic, she & Lily are having so much fun
- Game day means not only shirt and tie, but also sleeping in!

 - 2nd game, team seemed much more fluid this time around

Still getting used to seeing him in football pads
All of us moms were cracking up at the row of arms-crossed dads
- Her solution to broiled brussel sprouts
Yes, that's a chip clip on her nose

- Ranger game tickets to the Cliftons, that we got to be a part of connecting the dots (happy birthday, sweet Emma!)

- Tara has more energy to play than Mommy does! Kids love, love having her here

- See you at the Pole 2012
Tanglewood, Corbin starting us with a brief devo
Basden asked at the end, "Mommy, why are the adults crying?" Hard to hear children petition the Lord for the school without tearing up.

McLean Middle. I forgot to tell Bran ahead of time, but the Lord told him!

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles...   1 Chronicles 16:11-12
