Practicing Gratitude... 12.05.11

- Hand prints in wet concrete, evidence of those precious souls who inhabit this home


- Psalm 1, timelines, and a bag of apples

- That Adventures in Odessey has the power to draw in my (no longer) reluctant tween

- From Essie, "I just love you so much, I could kiss you a thousand times."

- Another from Essie, "Mom, I really love school, I just wish it wasn't so long." TUGS at my heart. Grateful for the tug, for how much I love this little gal.

- Great basketball teams for both boys

- Hearing Bran laugh at Hud's joke during dinner - instead of rolling his eyes...

- Actually enjoying Cross and Ruby's company at home during the day

- Simple, sweet Advent

- Celebrating 40

- Ready forgiveness from my children

- Our (quite beautiful) Charlie Brown Christmas tree - getting to where I can love and appreciate (and be grateful for) the simplicity

- False alarms at 3 am - and dogs that need to get outside

- No Ordinary Home, that she taught me how to Celebrate His COMING
Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles...   1 Chronicles 16:11-12



Krista Sanders said…
Essie’s words, forgiveness from children, Carol Brazo, handprints-- love those.
About that picture-- Shelley wanted it deleted from all existence. I am with her.