Can someone find me an organic Happy Meal, please?

I went to bed last night with a heavy heart. Going through a pile of mail as we returned home, I scanned an article in last Sunday's paper entitled, "If you want to go to heaven..."
Evangelicals are neither as numerous nor as uniform in their beliefs as once thought, they are not immune from the shifting of American culture.
The reporter continued with a couple thousand words describing the yuck among today's (and especially yesterday's) Christian culture.
Reminded me of a recent conversation when my friend felt clearly irritated as we discussed another friend's "conversion." Just another marker that we don't see eye to eye.
I don't like feeling at odds with others, especially not with other Believers. And yet division feels rampant among Christians especially. It seems every author I read is controversial - makes me tired. And all these passionate dialogues about where Christianity has come from and where it's headed... the simplicity of Christ seems snuffed out. And it's not just theological matters where we all differ, that's the tip of the iceberg. It's school choices and medicine/vaccine choices and food choices (thus my title) and all the details of life.
I suppose that because so much of our parenting and marriage and life choices stem from prayer and a desire for God's best, it seems that if others make different choices, someone is off.
So I went to bed with these heavy thoughts of division and dissension and bickering among Christians. And then this morning I happened upon this post by Sally Clarkson. She read my mind, but with a little more wisdom and eloquence. She posted this a few days ago... worth reading. I do hope it's not too controversial.


Krista Sanders said…
Okay- ARE you Sally? You were totally on the same page. I'd go to a TJ Wilson conference.
Loved your thoughts-- again. Have enjoyed all of our conversations regarding this. I love that the Lord encouraged you.
Let me know when you find the organic happy meal.
TJ Wilson said…
kds - Will be on the lookout for that. LOL. Thx for "introducing" me to SC.
Sarah said…
Thank you, TJ. This was exactly what my heart needed this morning. Love you.
Jeanne Damoff said…
I know what you mean, TJ. When I start feeling discouraged by the fractured, maimed, self-abusing condition of the Bride, I remind myself that God promised to present her spotless and pure to His Son. Not only will we be whole, we'll be radiant, beautiful, and as awesome as an army with banners.

Isn't it a comfort that He is the healer and doesn't leave us to ourselves?

Okay, I'm off to read Sally's piece . . .
TJ, I printed this part out,

"But, the God who told us the most important commandments were to love Him and love others, is the gentle shepherd who will not judge us today if we get all the answers and choices right, but if we abide in Him, love Him, rest in Him and walk in the abundance and security of His love for us and His redeeming love for those needy in our lives who need not just answers and words, but love, forgiveness, healing and peace.

Lord, let me today and every day, abide in you, see you, rest against you--"not being concerned with things too difficult for me, but composed, like a weaned child rests against his mother, so will my soul be within
me." (Psalm 131)"

...and it is now a wisdom filled reminder next to the desk. I will definitely stop and take heed next time I am racing to the Internet next time I am "researching" this or that kid thing. :) Thank you. G
Renae said…
TJ, I loved Sally's post! Thank you so much for sharing it. Our new church is totally on the same page . . .
Britta Coleman said…
Thanks for the link to Sally's post. Well written--both hers and yours.

I'm reminded of that old refrain, "And they'll know we are Christians by our love..."
Jessica Brogdon said…
I can't tell you how much I identify with your comments. I didn't realize how fearful I was of making the wrong decisions and thereby "screwing up my kids" until I returned to the states and began to "start over" in this culture. Too many decisions...too many opinions. If only we Christians could "hold fast" to the essentials and "let go" of the nonessentials...and be characterized by our love.
TJ!! I was blessed to find Krista's blog...and through her's...found yours! Yeah! I can't tell you how much I miss all of you. Please give all the children my love and know I'm sending a big hug to you and Corbin as well! I can't wait to catch up!