Change of Heart

The month of May and the first half of June proved an absolute whirlwind for the Wilsons: closing the the school year and baseball and field days and ballet recitals and school plays and end-of-the-year parties of every sort... and did I mention baseball? My response to the overload was a two-hour venting session with one of my best friends. She graciously listened to me rant about our family's overcrowded schedule and responsibilities and commitments. I wanted our kids HOME, with NO schedule - all my little chicks under our roof without demands and entanglements and wacky schedules.

This is my kids' response earlier today to being locked outside in the back yard.

I told the same friend about locking the children outside today, and she said, "I've heard of moms who do that."


Krista Sanders said…
LOVE the picture! Now THAT is a picture that is worth 1000 words. How blessed they are to have a Mom like you!!
Locking the door? I think Susannah Wesley would have approved. It sure beats trying to pull your gym shorts over your head.
Alyssa said…
That picture says it all! Sometimes you gotta make your own peace and quiet.
Lynda Meyers said…
I'm with you on the over-crowded schedule! Every year I look forward to the end of the school year - a slower pace, less "have tos" - but summer seems to somehow INCREASE in intensity instead of decreasing. Don't know quite how that happens, but we've had an extremely busy summer so far and I'm looking at an August and September that are even worse than June and July! Aaauugghh!

Some days just feel like Charlie Brown trying to kick that darned football!

(Have a great day!;)
Anonymous said…
I don't know what's funnier - the picture or the fact that you took it! :)
Anonymous said…
After spending 7 days with 5 kids under 6 and Jeff, I know how u feel.bsd
The Masons said…
Hi TJ!
I found you through Sarah Rothwell's blog. Your family is precious! Glad that I can keep up with the Wilson fam!
Renae said…
Oh,TJ! That picture is hilarious. I'll have to try that; I usually just lock myself in my bedroom. But Foster figured out how to pick the lock. :-)

I can't wait to read the bear book. You hooked me.
meh said…
Too funny!!!! You know, I have so been there. And it is really for their own good. The looks on their faces verify that they are having fun with it. So much better then a day in front of the t.v. fighting over the remote.