
A few mornings ago I noticed Branson writing some sort of note.
We were headed out the door, and he dawdled with his pen and paper while I ushered the other kids to the car.
I was quite curious as to what he was working on, but decided not to ask any questions. I assumed it was lyrics to another song, as he tends to leave behind a trail of papers scribbled with with rhyming lyrics of his newest tune.
But the mystery note appeared a few hours later. Opening the fridge at lunchtime, here's what I found:

A couple of years ago Corbin left me a thoughtful note taped to the inside of our refrigerator wall, thanking me for taking care of him and our family. At the bottom Corbin wrote, "You are a treasure."
Bran's note, written two years later, and taped right next to Corbin's, says,
"Mom - I love you. You are my awesome prize."

Ummm, made my day - my week - perhaps my month.
Grateful for a husband who models well. And for an 8-year-old boy who soaks it up!


Chrys and Mike said…
Oh, that is PRICELESS!

Anonymous said…
Oh, definitely a note to save forever. What a wonderful gift. Makes all that effort earlier this year worth it, right?
Krista Sanders said…
It made my week and he's not my son! How encouraging AND precious!
nikki said…
"awesome treasure", couldn't have said it better myself!
Anonymous said…
Okay TJ, you have finally inspired me to begin my blog. so here is goes. so enjoyed your inlaws last week in NM. We missed seeing you all in the parade. julia