Cappy, Cake & Costumes

Ok, so it's Wednesday, and I have about 2 minutes to write this blog in the midst of our Halloween festivities! My Wednesday Wonder will have to wait... meanwhile I'll post some highlights from our last few days. Enjoy!

Cappy with his (other) brown-eyed girl

Corbin turned 37 on Saturday... we celebrated as a family over breakfast before soccer games. Ha!

Corbin's b-day dinner hosted by our great friend Gregg Foster - amazing dinner with amazing friends! (and amazing lemon cake - thanks, Joyce & Krista!)

Trinity Chapel's trunk-or-treat... Hud and Bran were UT quarterbacks. That's darling Atlee Anderson with Hud - I was surprised she made it through the evening without Basden sneaking her ruby red slippers.

The Princess & Paulette trick-or-treating

Didn't take little Essie long to figure out where the candy was!


Anonymous said…
Precious and fun pictures. But did I just completely miss the fact that Esther is walking??? Boy, you're in trouble now.
Krista Sanders said…
These pictures are amazing!! I want a full length one of YOU in yours-- was that your high school cheerleading outfit??? LOVE IT!
TJ Wilson said…
spag - how did we miss that? i'm telling you, she & maddy are TROUBLE.
kds - nik said if I didn't post it she would. :)