Quote of the week...

Last week Hudson attended an after-school activity. He had begged to go since school started a few weeks ago, but as Branson has never shown interest in being a part of the weekly "Thursday Boys," I felt hesitant in sending Hud. Alone.
So last week as Thursday rolled around and Hudson again asked to join the group, Corbin and I agreed. Off Hudson marched - unaccompanied - to join the throng of boys gathered after school.

Two hours later, I picked up an enthusiastic 5-year old with a grin from ear to ear. "Mom - it was so fun, the most fun thing in the world besides going to Heaven!"
So... guess who else showed up at Thursday boys today?
Let's just say Hudson isn't always in Bran's shadow...


Krista Sanders said…
Way to go, Hud! Forging his own way!