Missing my Bro

I miss my brother. That's what it comes down to.
Chris is AMAZING. He will turn 30 in a week.
And here's the kicker - I don't know what to get him for his birthday. Yes, he's hard to by for, not because he has everything, but because he is so stinking contented.
I recall grocery shopping as a kid, mom keeping up with 4 bustling children clamoring for "Skittles! Doritos! Dr. Pepper!" When Mom said no, the rest of us whined and begged. But Chris would look up at her with those big blue eyes and respond with a genuine, "That's ok, Mom, I don't need it."
So it's his birthday, and what bothers me most is that I don't know what to get him... because I don't know his life! He & his darling wife live in Atlanta, along with my brother, Trey, whose life & family I don't know as well as I'd like either. I've got this really smart sister-in-law and brand-new nephew Marshall... I'd simply like to know what flavor coffee Trey orders at Dunkin Donuts, and whether Amy TIVO's "Grey's Anatomy" or "The Office." Or neither. Or both.
And did I mention Luke & Julie in Tulsa? Bogan is RUNNING, and he simply doesn't know his Auntie well enough yet (though he does give me lots of quick grins!).
I'm not talking a disconnect, I'm talking distance. Nephews we don't get to see on a regular basis, adult co-ed softball games we've never attended, Sunday lunches after church we're not eating together.
And this is just the beginning. This week I want to be in NM with Corbin's sister. She's got a major few days coming up, and it would just be good to be there. Papa should be taking Hudda on his rounds through town with FJ, and Mama & Charlie should be playing with Confederate soldiers. Little Riv spends his days all the way in Seattle, with the best head of hair you've ever laid eyes on. He should be in a Clairol commercial. And I've spent like 15 days with him in his life.
So... I know there's not an answer to all this. I know that's why we have Heaven to look forward to. A big, big house with lots and lots of rooms... a big, big table with lots and lots of food... a big, big yard, where we can play football... and no guessing on the perfect birthday gift.


Alyssa said…
TJ - I can empathize with you. My sister lives in California, and I so wish she lived closer so we could call each other for an impromptu dinner or shopping spree.
Christian James said…
Hey Ton,
No need to look further. This post was a PERFECT gift. Crystal and I think of you guys all the time. Don't know what I do if we didn't have Heaven to look forward to. And of course all the holidays and visits prior to that. Love ya!
spaghettipie said…
So did you know I'd been here even before I left this comment?
Krista Sanders said…
Okay- you are speaking my heart here. Your family is just little bigger than mine! Love what Chris said. Sweet brother.